15/12/2021 Daily Enlightenment - 日日觉

One day, Zen Master Wenxi was making porridge, and Manjushri Bodhisattva appeared on his rice shovel. How amazing it is!

However, instead of prostrating in awe, Wenxi picked up the bamboo grate used for stirring the porridge, slammed it on Manjushri's head, and yelled, "Manjushri is Manjushri, Wenxi is Wenxi!"

This is the grit of an enlightened person: I am who I am, I am the Dharma King, and I do not lack or owe anything to the Buddhas!

The bruised incarnation of Manjushri replied with a weeping face, "The bitter gourd is bitter to the root, and the melon is completely sweet. Practiced for three kalpas yet despised by the monk."

有一天, 文喜禪師正在熬粥, 文殊菩薩在他的飯鏟上現了形。這是多麼神奇!

然而, 文喜不但沒有頂禮膜拜, 反而拿起攪粥的竹篦子, 劈頭蓋臉打了下去, 並且喝斥道:「文殊自文殊, 文喜自文喜。」

這就是開悟之人的氣概: 我就是我,我是法王,我比諸佛善薩不欠不少!

文殊菩薩的化身挨了打, 哭喪著臉說偈曰:「苦瓠連根苦, 甜瓜徹蒂甜。修行三大劫, 卻被老僧嫌。」

Yeow Tang Ng