04/01/2022 DAILY ENLIGHTENMENT - 日日觉

有一年, 仰山慧寂在山下的草庵中靜修過夏。結夏之後, 他上山來問候師父, 溈山靈祐。





靈祐説:「我白天吃一頓飯, 晚上睡一覺。」


One year, Zen Master Yangshan Huiji spent the summer retreat in the grass hut under the mountain. After the end of summer, he went up the mountain to greet his Shifu, Zen Master Weishan Lingyou.

Lingyou asked, "I haven't seen you up here for the summer; what have you done down the mountain?"

Huiji said, "I have planted a field with a basket of seeds."

Lingyou said, "You haven't passed your summer in vain."

Huiji asked, "I wonder what you have done this summer?

Lingyou said, "I have my meal in the day and rest at night."

Huiji said, "Then, Shifu, you haven't passed your summer in vain too."

Yeow Tang Ng