我们这样的安居,心是非常的宁静,如果你有真正的用功。如果你坐在这边,心一直打妄想, 想要到另外一个地方,你就是在追求幻想的世界,错失了当下,这里,此刻。 人生只是回到当下,原点,本来就具足,本来没有缺少什么。
- 继闻法师
When we settle down this way, the mind is very quiet, that is if you have truly put in the efforts. If you sit here, with a mind that keeps fluttering with delusory thoughts, planning of being somewhere else, you are actually chasing after an illusory world, you lose what’s right now, right here, this present moment. Life is only to come back to this moment, primary point, originally endow with everything, originally not lacking anything.
-Ven. Chi Boon