每个人都会死, 重要的是怎么活。
每天起来就问自己,我今天可以做什么对别人有意义的事, 我今天能够怎么带给別人快乐,那就是帮助别人。
[继闻法师, 90日禅修2022年]
Everyone will inevitably die; what’s important is how to live.
Every day upon getting up ask yourself, what can I do today which will be meaningful to others, how can I bring happiness to others today, that is, to be of help to others.
Before you embark to help others, help yourself first, take care of yourself first, do your job well; Every day after waking up, when you look into the mirror, ask yourself if you look well today. Smile to yourself, if you are not in a good mood, the face is sulky, how to help others? At any time, we should already be cheerful, be happy.
Have this thought every day - today’s life, how to lead a meaningful human life that is of help to others. To know how to lead a meaningful human life that is happiness.
[Ven. Chi Boon (alias Gye Mun Sunim), 90-day Zen Retreat 2022]