23/11/2021 Daily Enlightenment - 日日觉
Zen Master Luohan Guichen raised his whisk to a new Zen monk and asked, "Do you understand?"
The monk habitually followed the traditional teaching of "whisk is dharma" and replied, "Thank you for your compassion in showing me the way."
Guichen threw the whisk aside, smiled coldly, and said, "You saw me raise the whisk and said that I was showing you the way. Then I would like to ask, when you see the mountains and rivers every day, are they not showing you the way?"
禪僧也根據 「表拂表法」的傳統, 趕緊施禮說道:「感謝和尚慈悲, 向學僧示機。」
桂琛將拂塵拋到一邊, 冷冷一笑, 說:「看見我豎起拂塵, 就說是向你示機, 那麼請問, 你每天看見山, 看見水, 難道不是向你展示禪機嗎?」