24/11/2021 Daily Enlightenment - 日日觉

One day, the monks in the temple were sweeping the floor and tidying up the environment. Another wandering monk came to visit, and Guichen raised his whisk upright once again. Of course, this monk bowed gratefully in awe.

The cleaning monks knew that another unfortunate one had hit the wall, and they all covered their mouths and snickered. The monk didn't know what he had done wrong and looked embarrassed.

Guichen pointed to the monk who was sweeping the floor and said, "When you see me raising the whisk, you admire and bow to it. They are sweeping there, and the broom is also upright. Why don't you bow to it?"

有一天, 寺裡的僧眾正在掃地和整理環境。又有雲水僧行腳前來, 桂琛再次豎起了拂塵。這僧當然又是禮拜又是滿懷感激地讚嘆。

旁邊打掃衛生的弟子們知道, 又一個倒楣蛋撞到槍口上了, 都掩口偷笑。這僧不知自己做錯了什麼, 顯得很尷尬。

桂琛指著掃地的僧人說:「你看見我豎起拂塵就讚嘆禮拜, 那裡正在掃地, 掃帚也豎著, 你為什麼不向它施禮讚嘆?」

Yeow Tang Ng