Two Zen practitioners came to practice with Zen Master Weishan Lingyou, who believes that work is meditation. Therefore, he only arranged for them to herd cattle and farm. The two Zen practitioners were not pleased and said, "No one here understands Zen."
At that time, everyone was carrying firewood, and the two Zen practitioners just wanted to practice sitting meditation. Yangshan Huijing held a piece of wood in front of them and asked, "What is it?"
It was firewood, but they couldn't say firewood. So the two Zen guests looked at each other, speechless.
"From now on, it's better not to say that nobody understands Zen!" Huijing threw down the wood, handing them a big embarrassment. He then walked away.
有兩個禪客來溈山學禪。溈山靈祐大師認為勞動即佛事, 工作即禪修, 所以, 只是安排他們牧牛, 種田而已。兩位禪客不滿意說道:「此間沒有一個人懂禪。」
當時, 大家都在搬運木柴, 兩位禪客只想修禪, 不願勞作, 躲在一邊歇息。仰山慧寂將一段木柴伸到他倆眼前, 禪意凜然地問道:「是什麼?」
是木柴, 卻又不能說木柴, 兩位禪客面面相覷, 無言以對。
「今後, 最好別說什麼沒人懂禪!」 慧寂扔下木柴, 也扔給他們一個大尷尬, 飄然而去。