23/12/2021 Daily Enlightenment - 日日觉


— 聖嚴法師

Many people think that this is me, this is you, and that is him. In fact, they are all talking about "me". Only because there is me, then I can see you and him.

- Zen Master Sheng Yen

Yeow Tang Ng
22/12/2021 Daily Enlightenment - 日日觉





An old monk has two disciples, a senior monk, and a young monk.

One day after a meal, the young monk was washing the dishes and suddenly broke a bowl.

The senior monk instantly ran to the old monk's room to report the incident, "Master, junior just broke a bowl."

The old monk turned his chanting beads with his eyes slightly closed and said, "I believe you will never break a bowl!"

Yeow Tang Ng
21/12/2021 Daily Enlightenment - 日日觉

One winter afternoon, Seung Sahn Soen-sa went for a walk with some of his students. It had snowed the day before.

Soen-sa asked one student, "What color is this snow?"

The student said, "White."

Soen-sa said, "You have an attachment to color.”

The student clapped his hands.

Soen-sa said, "Your head is a dragon, but your tail is a snake."

He then asked another student, "What color is this snow?"

The student said, "You already understand."

Soen-sa said, "Then tell me."

The student said, "It's white."

Soen-sa said, "Is this the truth?"

The student said, "Aren't you hungry?"

Soen-sa said, "Soon it will be time for lunch."

Another student said, "Go drink tea.”

Soen-sa said, "I've already had some."

The student hit Soen-sa.

Soen-sa cried out, "Aie! Aie!"


















Yeow Tang Ng
20/12/2021 Daily Enlightenment - 日日觉

The Buddha said:

-A large tree with a mighty trunk, branches, leaves, firm roots, and bearing fruits, is a support for many birds.

-Having flown across the sky, the birds resort to this delightful base;

-Those in need of shade take cover in its shade; those needing fruit enjoy its fruit.

-Just so, when a person is virtuous, endowed with faith, of humble manner, compliant, gentle, welcoming, soft, those who are fields of merit – devoid of lust and hatred, devoid of delusion, taintless – resort to such a person.

-They teach him the Dharma that eradicate all suffering, having realised which the taintless one here attains nirvana.

The Tripitaka

同修们, 今天的 日日觉 :


- 一棵大树有着强壮的树干,枝叶茂密,根系结实,果实茂盛,是许多鸟类的支撑。

- 在天空飞行的鸟儿们,来到这个庆幸的栖身之所;

- 需要遮荫的掩护在树阴里,需要果实的享受它的果实。

- 如此,一位贤者,具足信心,态度谦虚,合规,温和,接纳他人,柔软,

那些福田之人 –空了淫欲与憎恨, 空了妄念,无垢 - 将栖身于如此的人。

- 他们为他而教导除去痛苦的佛法,了知的无垢者在此得涅槃。


Yeow Tang Ng
19/12/2021 Daily Enlightenment - 日日觉

Fellow practitioners, here is today's Daily Enlightenment :

The eminent teacher of the past said:

The Tathagata as to the Dharma that he said, has the mind said anything?

The World-honoured One attained nothing to attain, said nothing to say.

How can anything be attained from original nature! How can anything be said of it!






Yeow Tang Ng
18/12/2021 Daily Enlightenment - 日日觉

There are those who study only words and speech, who may seem to be enlightened when they open their mouths to speak. In reality, however, when faced with everyday situations, they become so flustered that they do not know what to do. This shows the difference between the nature of words and the nature of actions.

一些只学习佛教文字和言语的人,当他们开口说话时,给人感觉似乎开悟了。 然而,当他们真正面对日常情况时,却变得如此慌乱,以至于不知道该怎么办。 这显示了言语和行为本质之间的不同。

- Zen Master So Sahn

Yeow Tang Ng
17/12/2021 Daily Enlightenment - 日日觉

Ignoring reproaches,

Heedless to warnings,

Carelessly passing by, how can this clouded mind be led?

Following useless desires,

Provoking anger for no reason,

Raising discrimination daily,

My wisdom is laughable. Whom can I blame?

Like a moth flying to the flame unknowingly rushes

To a timely death,

Without practicing to attain one's mind,

Keeping precepts avails no merit at all.

Ah, how pitiful!

- Zen Master Kyong Ho



鬆懈散漫 莫慎之

何以轉化 此愚癡昏迷心識?

恣縱貪欲 無故瞋怒


我等劣智豈可笑 猶可怪責誰?

如同燈蛾撲火 不知死亡之將至

若未能修行見性 證此心

堅守戒律條文 雖稍有福德 亦莫能助

鳴呼 既是寒心 亦是可悲矣!

- 鏡虛禪師

Yeow Tang Ng
16/12/2021 Daily Enlightenment - 日日觉

If you defeat others, you will create resentment. If you are defeated, you will feel inferior; if you remove the idea of ​​victory or defeat, there will be no arguments and quarrels. Just peace and stillness remain.

- Dhammapada

戰勝了他人則製造怨恨, 被他人擊敗則生出自卑心理; 除去勝負意念, 無諍無吵樂安靜。

- 法句经

Yeow Tang Ng
15/12/2021 Daily Enlightenment - 日日觉

One day, Zen Master Wenxi was making porridge, and Manjushri Bodhisattva appeared on his rice shovel. How amazing it is!

However, instead of prostrating in awe, Wenxi picked up the bamboo grate used for stirring the porridge, slammed it on Manjushri's head, and yelled, "Manjushri is Manjushri, Wenxi is Wenxi!"

This is the grit of an enlightened person: I am who I am, I am the Dharma King, and I do not lack or owe anything to the Buddhas!

The bruised incarnation of Manjushri replied with a weeping face, "The bitter gourd is bitter to the root, and the melon is completely sweet. Practiced for three kalpas yet despised by the monk."

有一天, 文喜禪師正在熬粥, 文殊菩薩在他的飯鏟上現了形。這是多麼神奇!

然而, 文喜不但沒有頂禮膜拜, 反而拿起攪粥的竹篦子, 劈頭蓋臉打了下去, 並且喝斥道:「文殊自文殊, 文喜自文喜。」

這就是開悟之人的氣概: 我就是我,我是法王,我比諸佛善薩不欠不少!

文殊菩薩的化身挨了打, 哭喪著臉說偈曰:「苦瓠連根苦, 甜瓜徹蒂甜。修行三大劫, 卻被老僧嫌。」

Yeow Tang Ng
14/12/2021 Daily Enlightenment - 日日觉

No matter how well educated or respected you are, if you haven’t resolved the ‘great question of life and death’, you are like a person who has lost their mind.

- Zen Master Man Gong


- 滿空禪師

Yeow Tang Ng
13/12/2021 Daily Enlightenment - 日日觉

Fellow practitioners, here is today's Daily Enlightenment :

The rising of good karma is originally an illusion,

the making of bad karma is also an illusion,

the body is just like a mass of foam, the mind just like the wind,

The illusory makes illusion that has no root and is devoid of the truth.

- Sikhin Buddha



- 尸弃佛


Yeow Tang Ng
12/12/2021 Daily Enlightenment - 日日觉

Zi Lin Gong Feng asked Zen Master Hui Zong: What is true form?

Zen Master said: Bring the false one over here.

Gong Feng replied: There is no way to get the false one.

Zen Master said: Since there is no way to get the false form, then why did you ask about true form?





Yeow Tang Ng
11/12/2021 Daily Enlightenment - 日日觉

*What am I?*

Questioning and still questioning,
Like a cat stalking a mouse,
Like a starving beggar searching for food,
Like a thirsty wanderer seeking only water,
Like an old widow awaiting her only lost son,
Without eating or sleeping—
Never letting go,
Looking deeply into this One Question
For 10,000 years nonstop.
Then, Great Enlightenment is right before you.

- Zen Master Kyong Ho


疑情綿綿 接疑情
如捕鼠之貓 緊守鼠洞
如飢餓乞丐 乞求食物
如口渴旅人 渴尋水源
如年邁寡婦 切望失兒歸
廢寢忘食 窮究不捨
參透疑情 萬年不變
大徹大悟 即在現前

- 鏡虛禪師

Yeow Tang Ng
10/12/2021 Daily Enlightenment - 日日觉

Using clever words and eloquent speech to show off to others your knowledge of the Dharma, especially if you have not had any awakening, is like colorfully painting a stinking outhouse to make it look like a temple.


- Zen Master So Sahn

Yeow Tang Ng
09/12/2021 Daily Enlightenment - 日日觉

Two actors, life/death and good/bad, use an infinite variety of forms to create a play in the theater of the mind. Using the universe as a stage set, they take turns creating comedy and tragedy.

- Zen Master Man Gong

有兩位演員—“生死和善惡”—在心的殿堂裡演繹森羅萬像的戲劇。在宇宙的舞台上, 他們無限刧地製造一齣又一齣的喜劇和悲劇。

- 滿空禪師

Yeow Tang Ng
08/12/2021 Daily Enlightenment - 日日觉

One day, a Buddhist scholar came to visit Zhaozhou. However, when Zhaozhou came out to meet him, he ignored him and failed to pay respect.

Zhaozhou bluntly told him, “Young man, when an elder passes you, why don’t you stand up and greet him?”

The practitioner asked, “I heard that zen transcends all formalities in the world, and is not bounded by anything that has form. Is that true?”

Zhaozhou nodded.

The practitioner became proud and said, “In this case, there is no difference whether I sit down to greet or stand up to greet; why do you make something?”


Zhaozhou gave the practitioner a huge slap!

The practitioner held his face and replied in angst, “How can a monastic be so rude? How can you hit me?”

Zhaozhou replied, “When I hit you, it means I did not hit you; why do you make something?”

Zhaozhou smiled, “If you make something in the mind when being hit, and you feel the difference when being hit and not hit, this proves that when you refuse to stand up to greet, you are also making something in your mind, you are being rude on purpose. Do you not deserve to be hit?”

一日, 一位滿腹經文的學者拜訪趙州禪師。當趙州出來會見他時, 他不但不理不睬, 而且還故意擺出目中無人的神態。

趙州不客氣地教訓他: 「你年紀輕輕, 長者從身邊經過, 怎麼不站起來迎接?」

學者不答,反問:「我聽說, 禪是超越世間一切形式的,不為一切有相的東西所囿。是這樣嗎?」


學者得意極了, 緊接著說:「那麼, 我坐著迎接就等於站起來迎接, 禪師你又何必心生分別呢?」



學者捂著臉跳起來, 怒氣衝天地說道:「你一個出家人怎麼如此無禮? 竟然動手打人!」


趙州一笑, 又說,「如果你現在挨打時心生分別, 能感受到挨打與沒挨打不一樣;那麼證明你剛才坐著不起來時, 心裡也有區別, 是故意無禮。不該挨打嗎?」

Yeow Tang Ng
07/12/2021 Daily Enlightenment - 日日觉

Once a monk came to a city protected by gates. A soldier who was guarding the gates interrogated him, “Who are you? Where are you going? Why are you going there? “

The monk grew pensive for a moment and then asked the soldier, “Could I ask you a question too?”

The soldier wondered, “What is it?”

“What do you earn for one week’s work?”

“Two baskets of rice.”

“I will bring you four baskets if you ask me these questions every day!”

有一次,一位和尚正步行到有城门保护的城市。 守在城门的士兵审问他:“你是谁? 你要去哪里? 你为什么要去那里?”






Yeow Tang Ng
06/12/2021 Daily Enlightenment - 日日觉

Bhikkhus, when a bhikkhu contemplate on six benefits, it is enough for him to establish the direct realisation of non-self in all dharma. What six are these?

1) I will be without identification in the entire world

2) I-makings will cease

3) Mine-makings will cease

4) Understanding that the common people do not have yet

5) Clearly see causation

6) Clearly see the dharma that arises from causation

The Tripitaka

诸比丘,一比丘如能观这六个利益,足以令他直证一切法无我。 这六个是什么?

1) 在正个世界里,没有一个我的身份

2) 我能的造作将停止

3) 我有的造作将停止



6) 明见因缘所生法


Yeow Tang Ng
05/12/2021 Daily Enlightenment - 日日觉

Venerable Sariputta, considered the first of Buddha’s two chief disciples, addressed a group of bhikkhus while pointing to a block of wood:

- “Do you see, friends, that large block of wood?

- If he wished so, a bhikkhu who has attained mastery of mind might focus on that block of wood as earth. What is the basis for this? Because the earth element exists in that block of wood.

- If he wished so, a bhikkhu who has attained mastery of mind might focus on that block of wood as water … as fire … as air. What is the basis for this? Because the water element … the fire element … the air element exists in that block of wood.

- If he so wished, a bhikkhu who has attained mastery of mind might focus on that block of wood as beautiful … as ugly. For what reason? Because the element of beauty … the element of ugliness exists in that block of wood.”

The Tripitaka🧘🏻


- “朋友,你看到那块大木头了吗?

- 如果他愿意的话,一个已经证悟本心的比丘可以专注于那块木头为土。 何以故? 因为那块木头里有土的元素。

- 如果他愿意的话,已经证悟本心的比丘可以专注于那块木头,为水……为火……为风。 何以故? 因为水的元素……火的元素……风的元素存在于那块木头之中。

- 如果他愿意,一位已经证悟本心的比丘可以专注于那块木头为美丽的……丑陋的。 何以故? 因为美的元素……丑的元素存在于那块木头中。”


Yeow Tang Ng